It’s So Hard To Be A White Cishet Male In the Video Games Journalism These Days

I used to love playing video games. Pac-Man, the Atari 2600, Nintendo, Duke Nukem, being a child in the 1970s, 1980s or 1990s, pixelated boobs, low-polygon-count boobs, video game advertisements with edgier content than the video games themselves,

And now, that hobby I loved in my nondescript suburban problem-free youth has been TAINTED, utterly UNDER ATTACK by people who are not me. And the worst part is: they’ve almost completely inFECTed the last true bastion of solid journalism there is left in this world: video game journalism. Now you have to consider more than just graphics good or sound good or shoot good. You have to consider more than me! I am not happy when we are not about me?

Now you can only be a video game if you work for Internet Gaming Newspaper or Games Informant, but luckily both of those internet websites pay very lucratively and on time because I believe site view counts equal money and also would you like to buy my bitcoin derivative it’s worth .0000000000001 dollar but it’s been on the rise thanks to the recent cryptocurrency boom

And you don’t even have to good at game to wrote game review? What is this the baby nursery? They should get jobfs. Maybe learn to code! Ha ha, yes I am very smart.

But what is worse is when they talk about Social Justicesabout video games. Did you know that racism? And also transgender, but more importantly intersectionality? I didn’t;t, and I would prefer not to to be honest. What even do these people want? A better world isn’t necessary, and even if it was it’s not possible because I think things are just fine thank you and my dad is a Congressman. Oh, sorry- congressperson, to all you wokelords with pronoun in bio. I just want to escape reality for a while which is why I’ve been a scubcriber to The Escapist Magazine since 20013.

Anyway I know this will be triggering to hear for some libs but videos game belong to ME and I will not let them go because I deserve this. I want to video games. I OWN videogame. And my voice deserves to be heard!V I have the right to be liked, accepted, and popular no matter what I say or do!

I wish it was the old days of 2005 when I could just be a job at any video game magazine like they weren’t bleeding money right and left. I guess it’s just me against the woke ,

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