About Us.
Started in 2019, No Escape covers games and digital culture from a radical perspective.
From examinations of the content of popular war games like Call of Duty to ruminations on surveillance and police violence in games like Umurangi Generation, Kaile Hultner and over 30 contributors have spent the last four years scouring games and digital media for new ways of seeing.
As No Escape enters its fifth year, we plan on upping the ante with even harder-hitting reviews and features. You can support us in this effort by subscribing to our Patreon page here or sending us a few bucks on Ko-Fi. Patreon supporters get access to the No Escape Discord server and the monthly game studies book club starting Jan. 1.

Pitch Us.
Pitches to No Escape are currently closed.
Pitch Guidelines
Are you a writer with something to say about video games, television, film, or other digital media? Do you have concerns about the present political climate, and use entertainment media as a lens to unpack that? Are you looking to do more with your writing? Consider pitching your ideas to No Escape! New writers welcome!
The kinds of work we’re looking for varies from month to month. Please don’t hesitate to send in a pitch during our open period, which will typically run through the first week of each month, even if we’ve announced a theme and your pitch doesn’t necessarily match it.
We are generally not looking for basic reviews of AAA video games, marketing previews, event coverage or other surface-level content. We are also not looking for generic feature pitches or pitches that have been mass-delivered to a bunch of outlets, and we will never accept a pitch from sites like Freedom With Writing. If you use one of those sites and are sent in our direction, we wish you the best, but please look elsewhere.
No Escape pays $100 for accepted pitches. This is a flat rate across the board. We do not accept volunteer pitches, nor do we accept “gift” or “guest” pitches. Nobody who writes for us writes for free. Payment for pieces will be delivered two weeks after publication unless negotiated otherwise prior to beginning work.
Due to our limited budget, the pitch window will only be open for the first week of a given month, and not every pitch will be considered. You will receive a response regarding your pitch within 3-5 days of our receiving it.
Please contact Kaile on or after January 1, 2024 at [email protected] with your pitch or for more information.