So how’s sudoku doing?

Hey y’all, it’s been a minute since I wrote a personal post.

You might have noticed a dearth of articles this month. I will be fully up-front with you: I had no interest in engaging in the discourse around That Game That Came Out Last Week (Part II) in a format longer than a couple of tweets, and this month has just felt off in general.

It really does feel kind of fucking pointless to talk about video games when people are putting their health and lives on the line to protest against police every day since May 27. But that’s not the only reason I haven’t posted.

The other reason is that I’m frankly sick to death of this industry and how it treats marginalized people, and I can’t really write about games knowing that in every facet, from the development space to the journalist space to the fucking streamer space, there are predators and predatory systems looking to back them up that just do shit and never get held accountable or suffer any real consequences for abusing women, trans people, people of color and Black people, and intersectional combinations of all those demographic groups and more.

The only thing I’m truly glad for is that the release of Cyberpunk 2077, aka “31 flavors of dickcheese but one (1) vagina bone,” has been pushed back to later this year. I think if we had to deal with the runoff from the TLOUpII nonsense, continuous outing of abusers and sexual predators in the industry, a seemingly-object-permanence-free discussion of crunch and workplace abuse, and fucking Rooty Tooty Tech and Shooty 2077 all at the same time, I would just die.

So instead I’m just playing a lot of sudoku on my phone and none of you can make me play anything else. Until July, I guess.

Clean your fucking room, video games.

From the blog
