Hey y’all, this is a heads-up: if you liked NORCO, the sprawling Neo-Southern Gothic adventure game from Geography of Robots, you’ve got something new to check out. It’s called SILENUS, and right now it’s just a pre-alpha demo involving you walking around an oil refinery and uncovering secrets.
These secrets have one really cool feature in particular, and that is: they’re the delivery method for UMBILICAL, the latest album from Louisiana sludge metal icons THOU. The full album isn’t due out until May 31, but by unlocking all the tracks you can hear the album early in a special media player in the game.

Check out this FAQ from the devs, which has a rough development timeline and some information about what the final product might look like!
As far as THOU’s latest album is concerned, the band describes it as a record “for the radicals, the crackpots, the exiles who have escaped the wasteland of capitulation. This record is for the militants and zealots refusing to surrender to comforts, to practicalities, to thirty pieces of silver. And this record is most especially for the weaklings and malingerers, burdened by capricious indulgence, hunched by the deep wounds of compromise, shuffling in limp approximation, desperately reaching back towards integrity and conviction.” aka it’s extremely my shit and if you’re a fan of punk, hardcore and metal, it’ll likely be yours as well!