‘Big Time Sports’ is not how you do mobile multiplayer

Setup: iPad Pro
Developer: FrostyPop
Version: 1.0.13
Released: 9/19/2019

The bottom line is that Big Time Sports is supposed to be a collection of games loosely based on sports like basketball and skateboarding that rely on your ability to hit a button repeatedly and in a specific order or rhythm. It’s not even that complicated of a rhythm. Just like, hit the button fast. Do that over and over. Move on to the next sport. Change which button you have to mash. Rinse and repeat.

The gimmick gets old after playing it for about fifteen minutes. You can play it with friends, but like, why?

I don’t have much to say about this game. I also don’t have much nice to say about this game. So you know what? I’m gonna stop here. Play 1-2 Switch if you want a better example of what this game wants to go for, or hell, an illegally downloaded ROM of WarioWare.

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